Saturday, November 27, 2010

Compare and contrast genetic technology in agriculture (genetically modified (GM) foods) with the genetic technology for human health.

Genetic technology used for agriculture and genetic technology used for human health are both used to manipulate genes. For example, you can use both of them to determine which traits you want, and which traits you don't want. For both, it's not natural because you're pretty much changing their destiny. Also, with both anything can go wrong. The genes of a fruit you manipulate could have a bad strain of disease with it, and the person whose genes you manipulate could turn out missing a limb or a body part. In contrast, in genetic technology for agriculture if something goes wrong, it wouldn't be such of a big deal because the fruit could be eaten or thrown away, and that's the last you would see of it. But if you mess up on genetic technology used for human health then you could potentially put the persons life on the line, cause defects to the body, or endorse a potential harmful disease. In genetic technology for agriculture its possible to create better tasting crops, like fruits, and it allows for an increase of supply in a short period of time. The effects of this would be short lasting, and after a while everyone would forget about it. On the other hand, with human health, all you can do is pick out the desired traits for one baby, you couldn't make a whole supply. The effects of this would be long lasting, because the human being would have to live through their whole life carrying that trait, and no one would forget about it. Despite the good outcomes of genetic technology, it still serves as a potential dangerous threat with bad outcomes.

-By Kharishma Patel, Deepthy Varghese, Jeswina John, and Miranda Juergens  
8th period, Medical Microbiology, Rickard

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