Thursday, December 9, 2010

As a team, stake a claim about whether or not the government should allow Gene Therapy research. Justify your choice.

Gene therapy is the process of inserting genes into cells of an individual in order to correct a gene product that is inherited. It has been practiced in a limited manner. Our team does not think that the government should allow for Gene therapy research because its not right. It could have some benefits, but you don't know where gene therapy could do.  Since it hasn't been researched enough, you never know what the outcome might be. It has been associated with several deaths and cancers. It shouldn't be allowed if all its going to do is make a person die or become sick than they already are. Also, all the deaths and cancers arising have slowed the development on new therapies. Its not right to spend time on one kind of therapy, when you could be researching something else that would help a human better. Functional genes are inserted into sperm or egg cells, and that seems pretty dangerous. Those genes being inserted could cause a serious problem. Also, with Gene therapy, you are going against God's wishes. Its his choice on how he wants a person to turn out to be. Its not right to go back and try to make genes better, because it could end up killing a person. It is not ethical because it is a form of human engineering. Humans should not be messed with. Because of the deadly outcomes, the government should stay away from Gene therapy research.

Kharishma Patel, Jeswina John, Miranda Juergens, Deepthy Varghese
Medical Microbiology, 8th period, Rickard

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