Thursday, December 2, 2010

Team stakes a claim about whether or not the government should allow Designer babies and why.

Designer babies should not be permitted by the government, because it’s wrong and unethical on so many levels. If the government were to allow parents to actually do it, then you don’t know what the consequences would be. A new disease may pop up that nobody knows about and has no cure for. Also, why would you change how a baby looks if you don’t know how they are going to look like in the first place? They may turn out to look better than you thought they would be. To some religions, it might not be moral. It is God’s job to create human beings, and it’s his decision on whether he wants to give a baby blue eyes or brown eyes. The traits that a baby naturally has are God’s gift. It is not right to not accept what God gives you. It’s also not in our hands to make a baby look like how they want. As for diseases, babies who have Down syndrome or any disease similar to it are God’s little angels for the world. God made those little kids to bring light to our life, not to ruin their own life. There is always a good future stored for them. These kids are also the sweetest kids you will ever meet, and there is nothing wrong with them, because they still have the same feelings we do. Also, if people were constantly picking out the most desirable traits, there would be no diversity whatsoever. A whole generation may end up looking the same, and there would be no individuality. There would be no flaws that make a person naturally beautiful. Poor families might not be able to afford making designer babies, so they may end up feeling like their baby is not good enough. Last but not least, it doesn’t matter how a person looks on the outside. All the matters is if a person has a good personality. If you give the government the ability to let people design babies, then you are also giving the government the permission to lose individuality. Therefore making designer babies should be prohibited. 

-By Kharishma Patel, Deepthy Varghese, Jeswina John, and Miranda Juergens  
8th period, Medical Microbiology, Rickard

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